Putin scum

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Putin scum

Post by Berserker »

Once KGB scum, always KGB scum..

To sum up the article, Putin signed new anti-treason laws in russia through which russian citizens can be convicted for treason if they provide consultancy or "other assistance" to a foreign state or international body "directed against Russia's security". Broad generic statement that covers pretty much any interaction with the west or anyone else to the discretion of the state. Nothing like fear to set the mindset of the populace back 100 years.

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Re: Putin scum

Post by MorGrendel »

Stupid Putin being a copy cat!
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_D ... _Year_2012

I guess you have to decide which is worse, 20 years in Siberia or indefinately in the Carribean?

On an aside, you never hear about hurricanes hitting Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp. I wonder if they do?
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Re: Putin scum

Post by Berserker »

Please, don't insult me by comparing Putin's Russia with the US. He is scum and his policies are far reaching and far worse then what the US is doing. He is not copying us. He is doing what he was trained to do under the communist regime. There is no recourse in Russia. At least in the US, you can challenge any law in the Supreme Court and the press is free to point out anything that happens that is wrong.

The US has huge protections for the citizens. The entire US law is based on err-ing on the side of caution to ensure that you don't put a US citizen in prison that doesn't deserve to be there. That is why people are on death row for 20 years at a time. Russia is the opposite. They arrest you and put you in prison simply because you protest against Putin and there's nothing you can do about it. You can protest anything for any reason, freely in the US so long as you don't break windows and and start fights. In Russia, Putin passed another law recently where he increased penalties to anyone protesting without his permission. All those protests were happening because his election was corrupt, so how much more corrupt is it that you can put in prison anyone that disagrees with you.

This russian law takes it to the next level, as it is clearly aimed at its citizens. It's made specifically to be able to prosecute any Russian citizen that has contact with a non-russian for any reason. It is meant to put fear in its citizens so they don't communicate with the outside to oppose Putin. Remember that Putin kicked out the US aid organizations on some BS reason that they were trying to instigate revolt against him. It's a power grab. It's insurance that he stay in power. He's scum. End of story.
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Re: Putin scum

Post by MorGrendel »

I don't wish to insult you. Putin rules by looking powerful and imposing fear, there can be no doubt of that. I thought the arrest of Pussy Riot for obsenity was a bit over the top and would discredit him. Unfortunately, I sometimes forget that those with power will stop at nothing to keep it and that drive overwhelms any sense or decency.

However, there is a general loss of liberty going on all over the world. I find the attempt to legalize thuggism appalling.

And I fear the US is following suit.

Per your quote:
You can protest anything for any reason, freely in the US so long as you don't break windows and and start fights. In Russia, Putin passed another law recently where he increased penalties to anyone protesting without his permission.
Following the Occupy Wallstreet Movement the "Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act" passed unanimously in the Senate and the "Trepass Bill" with only three “No” votes in the House. I've raled against these earlier, so I'll spare you. But the fact you can be arrested for booing a politician's speech because you “impede or disrupt the orderly conduct of Government business or official functions,” I feel is an overreach. Laws against gathering and making your voice heard sound downright UNAMERICAN to me. Is it as bad as Putin? I can't say, but do both feel like draconian fear control, yes.
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Re: Putin scum

Post by Berserker »

I see your point and I agree.

Your previous post put me on the defensive when you compared the US govt with Russia and made the US sound like the worse of the two (the snide comment didn't help ;). I feel Russia is far more corrupt and in a much worse shape in all respects than we are (and Putin is KGB scum).
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