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IRS demands list of CFL donors.

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 11:25 am
by MorGrendel
IRS demands list of CFL donors.
Why? That's my question.
What does the IRS gain buy getting a list of these donors?

Re: IRS demands list of CFL donors.

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 12:43 pm
by Berserker
By law, the IRS is not allowed to release any of these donors names out. My guess is to see if any mega-donors are skirting the law by deducting what they donate to CFL (can't deduct what you give to 501c4s), but who knows? Maybe they audited them and found something off. Or maybe they don't like Ron Paul? I found little on a cursory search of google besides the obvious posts by CFL and FOX news which are only one side of the equation.

However, I didn't think 501(c)4s were required to release their donor list, which is why it was popular with donors. I think with the Citizen's United decision, they can now also fully participate in politics (or is the 50% rule still in place?), so it makes them a perfect place for donors to hide so you don't know if Big Oil, China or O'Malley is influencing you election.

Personally, I find this abusive and would want a law to force all the donors out in the open. Not just to the IRS, but out fully. If you donate, you're on the internet. Not attacking CFL, just saying that all of these non-profits (republican, democrat, etc) should be outsted for who they really are. Who is behind them. Who's the puppet master?

As such, you will find no sympathy from me for CFL ;)

Re: IRS demands list of CFL donors.

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 2:09 pm
by MorGrendel
I'm more in your boat. I'd prefer transparency. But it does seem like the CFL is targeted more than other groups. For-say, how is it that Crossroads GPS does not have a target on its back. That's Carl Rove, and I would think he has more enemies. In the wake of the whole targeting scandal, I'm just surprised they'd provide such a lightening rod.

In any case, like you said, I thought the whole point of these PACs was to hide contributions. That's the game. They will never reveal the puppet masters because then we would see how much money is given by non-Americans/foreign interests, and thus an immediate conflict of interest. You want to know why Buffet and the Kocks makes the news so often? They are rich American who contribute, and the more we believe they run the show the better for the status quo.

Re: IRS demands list of CFL donors.

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 2:58 pm
by Berserker
Heh, Ron Paul is targeted by everyone. Probably Karl Rove is targetting him too ;) Afterall, they got rid of his seat to get rid of him because he was picking on everyone.

As for transparency, unfortunately, i don't think we'll see this kind of transparency in our lifetime =(