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MorGrendel (Jeff)

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 11:23 am
by Berserker
Mor-Grendel Master of Confusion

Mor-Grendel is the Chaos Lord, so obviously has the stats of a Chaos Lord
• Mor-Grendel has the Mark of Tzeentch (Level 4 Wizard)
• He may use the Lores of Tzeentch, Fire, Shadow, Metal and Confusion
• He may roll for spells just like a Slann Mage-Priest

• Third testicle
• Lactose intolerance
• Disgustingly large hand blister

• Spear
• Light Armor
• Funny looking helmet
• Teleporting cup
• Bowling shirt of doom
• Nut gloves

Funny Looking Helmet
This is not actually a magic item, but Mor-Grendel thinks it is.

Teleporting Cup
In the days of his youth, Mor-Grendel’s brains took such a beating that Tzeentch bestowed upon him this cup. Blows rain upon Mor-Grendel, but somehow this cup is always there to block them. The cup gives him a 4+ ward save, however if a one is rolled to save, the cup is teleported in front of his face, halving his weapon skill for the rest of the turn.

Bowling Shirt of Doom
As Mor-Grendel rose through the ranks of the fabled Chaos Warriors, he felt as if no one was paying attention to him. To this end, he used his evil magics to create this item. The shirt is just an overly flamboyant tabard which has the unfortunate affect of drawing a lot of attention. Any models in base contact with Mor-Grendel must attack Mor-Grendel, but are in turn hit on a 2+ as they go “OOOWWW! AHHHH!”.

Nut Gloves
Found in an ancient lacrosse team’s locker, these gloves have been enchanted with the desire of preventing the spawning of further generations (obviously older is better!). Any blows struck by Mor-Grendel will hit the enemy in the groin. This causes two wounds instead of one.

Third Testicle
When Mor-Grendel was a young boy (in days long since past) a band of chaos warriors raided his country. When they encountered the young boy, they immediately recognized he was marked by Tzeentch, and abducted him. Mor-Grendel, however would not fight. In his innocence he still considered the villagers his friends. Well, to convince him otherwise, the chaos warriors did what all big dumb brutes do: they beat Mor-Grendel in the head! This had two affects. First, it made him an angry maniacal killer. Second, it caused his brain to retreat to the one place it was safe… If Mor-Grendel suffers a wound, he rolls a die. On a roll of a six, he has suffered a head wound. Head wounds do not count against his normal wounds (hell he’s even been known to block with it!), but will have the following affect instead:

The first wound he suffers causes Mor-Grendel to be reminded of the good ol’ days and becomes unbreakable. However, Mor-Grendel will also fight like the good ol’ days and is reduced to weapon skill 1 until he suffers another head wound. The second head wound makes Mor-Grendel remember where his brain is and is subject to stupidity. However, with two gaping head wounds, people begin to think he is undead. From now on, Mor-Grendel will cause fear. A third head wound makes Mor-Grendel remember the good ol’ weren’t so good. For the remainder of the battle, he may no longer cast spells, but is subject to frenzy and can not lose it.

Lactose Intolerance
So twisted and evil is the Master of Confusion that he can turn the wholesome drink of milk into a deadly weapon! If Mor-Grendel did not move in the movement phase (turning does not count), he may consume a dairy product. In the shooting phase place the flame template behind Mor-Grendel as he unleashes a wave of killer dairy foulness! All models even touched by the template suffer a strength 6 hit with no armor save allowed as the poor victims are reduced to goey white puddles. Any models with the mark of Nurgle are immune.

Disgustingly Large Hand Blisters
Mor-Grendel, being an alchemist of great accomplishment, concocted an evil drink known as the Flaming Midget. But one night at a sacrifice to the Chaos gods, something went horribly wrong and the flaming drink poured all over his hands. This did not actually harm Mor-Grendel, but covered his hands in flame absorbing blisters. Mor-Grendel is immune to all flaming attacks.

Lore of Confusion

1 Grandiose Scheme. 5+ to cast. This spell can turn even a simple trip across the street into a five camel caravan. Pick any unit within 12”. If successfully cast, Mor-Grendel’s camping gear suddenly appears in their hands. In the following movement phase, the unit counts as moving through difficult terrain.

2 Paralyzing Propaganda. 7+ to cast. Remains in Play. Pick any unit within 6”. The target unit is forced to sit and listen as Mor-Grendel pulls out pamphlets and dry erase markers to explain the finer points of paying your Markland dues. The target unit is bored to tears. Some soldiers fall asleep, other storm off in frustration. The end result is that the unit may not move unit the spell is ended.

3 Setup Pavilion. 7+ to cast. Target any enemy character on the table. If the spell is successfully cast, the character is whisked away to Mor-Grendel’s camp where he is forced to setup Mor-Grendel’s tent. The character is removed from play until he can pass a successful leadership test. This test is taken in the character’s movement phase. When the character returns, he moves on from any table edge as if he had pursued off the board.

4 Horrible Insult. 8+ to cast. Mor-Grendel dives deep into your mind and finds out your deepest darkest secret…and then tells everybody! Target any unit within 24”. The target unit immediately flees, but if they rally, they will hate Mor-Grendel and any unit he is with for the rest of the game. Units immune to psychology are immune to this spell.

5 Shift Blame. 10+ to cast. Bad things happen around Mor-Grendel all the time, but clearly they aren’t his fault. The spell is cast on Mor-Grendel’s own unit. If successfully cast, any wounds suffered in close combat count toward that unit’s combat resolution as well as the enemy’s.

6 Change Reality. 12+ to cast. So twisted and warped is the mind of Mor-Grendel that he is able to bring his visions to life. Things that you hold true become false. Bread makes you sick, drunken girls aren’t horny, skinny guys become fat, and Ahriman keeps a stable girlfriend! If successfully cast, all enemy units within 12” of Mor-Grendel, will immediately break even if they are normally unbreakable or immune to psychology (Slayers can live forever in Mor-Grendel’s world!).

Re: MorGrendel (Jeff)

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 4:55 pm
by Belovesus
need to add something about fire, water, and wind...

Re: MorGrendel (Jeff)

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 10:56 am
by Fritz
That can be saved for the inevitable post-warlord Jeff. Although it definitely wouldn't hurt to start listing silly crap like that. Speaking of which we need updates for Ahrimen the Broken and Titus the Army of One.

Re: MorGrendel (Jeff)

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 1:44 pm
by ahrimen
i may be broken but atleast i still fight! cough! cough! :)