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Re: AA County House Rules for WFB v8

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 1:22 am
by Fritz
MorGrendel wrote:What does it say that a basic rule book lore is considered cheese?
Mayhaps a solution could be meted out, such as Dispel scrolls are unlimted or MR adds to casting value?
One of the common house rules I see that I think would work to mitigate some of the insanity of the super mega death spells is to allow ward saves against them.

Re: AA County House Rules for WFB v8

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 2:17 pm
by Berserker
I'd rather keep any house rules created to the minimum. The more rules you create, the more problems you create which then require more rules to balance out. GW has a large staff that constantly tries to tweak the books to keep the armies balanced. Remember that since none of the armies are the same, they will never be perfectly balanced, no matter what rules you make. It seems like this thread is moving towards making more and more rules. Are the problems truly that big that it makes the game unplayable and not fun?

For example, the rule that rivers are mysterious but marshes are not, does it really matter how it works? I have trouble remembering the regular rules, and having to remember more rules on top is not something I look forward to.

These are all games we play for fun and with each army you can make tons of variations to keep it fresh, fun and unexpected. For example, if you feel like I played an army that you didn't have fun to play against because I used an item you hated/felt it was OP or whatever reason, tell me and I'll make another. Heck, I already made over 30 different army lists for my army folder, so I really do have a big variety of fun you can experience already. My limitation is the models I have, otherwise I'd probably have in the hundreds of lists created. And I am not kidding!

I fear we're moving into turning this to tournament play style by trying to limit what each army can do to make it "fair and balanced" and those are never fun. You should never have just one list that you tweak to be the best list and you only play that. That's boring.


Re: AA County House Rules for WFB v8

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 2:22 pm
by Berserker
In other words, do I feel like we should limit or power down an army that uses pit of shades because it is so destructive to my army? No!
Will I play against that army? Yes!
Will I play against it over and over if they don't change it up and make fresh lists? No, because I'll get bored.


Edit (added another thought):
Let me exand a bit on why I don't like extra rules and I want to be very careful if we enact one. Here's a very concrete example on how a house rule could unbalance the game further.

If we were to allow unlimited Dispell scrolls, armies that can get lots of cheap wizards will see a huge benefit as they will effectively be able to shut down the magic phase of the enemy all the time. For example look at a goblin army where a lvl 1 wizard costs 50 pts. Compare that to an on ogre army where a lv 1 wizard costs 100. By introducting this rule, you can get double the amount of dispell scrolls in a goblin army vs an ogre army. A clear unbalancing. In fact, since there is no limit, a lvl 3 wizard could carry 4 scrolls, a lvl 1 could carry 2. There would be soo many scrolls on both sides that the magic phase would simply disappear.

Re: AA County House Rules for WFB v8

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 4:56 pm
by MorGrendel
All valid points. As long as I can remember, we have always needed to house a few rules. In the current edition, most seem to revovle around LOS and Magic, because they changed the most. Many House Rules grow out of table top discussion, and are rarely discussed again after the participants come up with a desision. And you are correct, we should not work to change the game; that said, since the time between games is so great, any discussions we have we should post.

Re: AA County House Rules for WFB v8

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 1:21 am
by Fritz
What is the feeling on Forgeworld stuff, both Fantasty and 40k? I may eventually consider a Storm Eagle since I'm not allowed a Stormraven (stupid Blood Angels/Grey Knights), but I don't see the point in investing in such a thing if nobody allows it. On the Fantasy side, there's a whole Chaos Dwarf army list.

Re: AA County House Rules for WFB v8

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 1:34 am
by Titus
If you want to buy and use it, more power too you. The new rulebook has the stormraven under space marines in the section in the back. So I might hold out a little bit.

Re: AA County House Rules for WFB v8

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 12:40 am
by Fritz
Oh nice. I rather like both models. Admittedly, I think the forgeworld one looks a bit better, but it's also about 40 bucks more expensive.

Re: AA County House Rules for WFB v8

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 7:45 am
by Berserker
If you want to use forgeworld stuff I have no problem. Likely most of us won't have very many forgeworld models as they are very pricey. But if you spent the money, I have no issue playing against it. If the critter is way OP, just don't play it every game then. =)

Re: AA County House Rules for WFB v8

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 9:51 am
by MorGrendel
Kevin may have an entire Forge World army, as Forge World is not held to the same international rules GW merch is; and he gave me the impression that Forge World is actually cheaper.

Re: AA County House Rules for WFB v8

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 10:52 am
by Titus
The new rumours are that Forgeworld might start becoming more main stream and putting out some of their own codicies, with an official nod from GW making them tournament legal.

Re: AA County House Rules for WFB v8

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 12:49 pm
by Berserker
MorGrendel wrote:Kevin may have an entire Forge World army, as Forge World is not held to the same international rules GW merch is; and he gave me the impression that Forge World is actually cheaper.
Cheaper to buy in Australia? Or is the GW stuff that much more expensive in Australia that ForgeWorld just seems cheaper? ;)

Re: AA County House Rules for WFB v8

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 1:19 pm
by Lokki
Example: A box of 10 Imperial guardsmen on the GW shelf is $55 AUD, while 10 Forgeworld Death Korp Krieg Guardsmen are like 36 British pounds which works out to about $50 AUD. So as long as I buy a order of 250 British pounds to get the free international shiping then it is cheaper for me to buy the cool stuff in AU!

Re: AA County House Rules for WFB v8

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 12:45 am
by Fritz
I can't believe they continue to rip off Australia like that. At one point people were buying items in Europe and getting them shipped to Australia for CHEAPER than they could buy things in Australia itself. Instead of fixing the pricing, GW went and forbade independent retailers from shipping internationally.

As a side note, Kevin, would it be cheaper for you to get someone in the states to buy you stuff and then ship it to Australia?

Re: AA County House Rules for WFB v8

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 10:29 am
by Lokki
I would have to check the pricing on Dicebucket they will ship internationally and will break down the boxes to sprus to cut shiping costs the price i belive is at retail 10% discount I think? However you have to buy a certain amount, this all said it will always be a case by case basis.

Back to the other subject, inflated GW prices in AU do give me a nice excuss to by forge world! LOL.

Re: AA County House Rules for WFB v8

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 6:32 pm
by Titus
I can get a 25 percent discount with free shipping to the US if you order in 100 USD increments and then mail to you. I could also see what his cost of shipping to the down under would be if you wanted.