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Re: Age of sigmar

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 5:49 pm
by ahrimen
Things I know from seeing pages of the new rule book and the war scrolls of the sigmarines,
to hit and to wound rolls are set so weather you attack a grater demon or a house cat you hit and wound on the same number. There are no point values. Its off of out numbering by model. Don't know how they are going to balance out fights. There are Battalions that give a semblance of force org but a battalion is set in what it has. You don't have to use a set battalion but if you do you can do things like deepstrike your sigmarines. Which makes me wonder what if any battalion rules will be available for old armies. (Play the new stuff and get cool rules or the old stuff and lose)
On the up side the fluff is cool. 9 factions based on the 8 color Magics and chaos.

Re: Age of sigmar

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 6:10 pm
by Fritz
It depends actually. If it's set up like kings of war, you roll to hit with the attacking unit, but then roll against the defense value of the defending unit. I've seen nothing conclusive to tell me how it's going to play. The rules are going to be freaking free in two days, so I'm not going to stress.

The lack of points is likely just from the starter set's 'learn to play' shenanigans. A ravening hordes type book is more or less confirmed. As for 'battalions,' I expect to see a 40k style organization system. Either you take a "battle forged" army with restrictions, but better at objectives, or you go "unbound" and take whatever you want. Within the "battle forged" you have the normal force org chart or you have formations. Formations require you to take specific units, but give you some additional bonuses. I think battalions will be fantasy's version of formations.

Re: Age of sigmar

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 8:51 pm
by ahrimen
The battalion scroll I saw had specific units and quantity of thoes unit that had to be taken, exampe, 1 dude on a zuule beast , 2 squads of sigmarines. I squad of winged sigmarines 2 squads of regular guys, = battalion with deepstrike..
also a little worried about low quality troops. There are no ranks and out numbering seems to only boost your bravery not help you actually win the fight, and so far as I've seen outnumbering in general is "bad, m'kay ' as it give an instant win option for your opponent.

Re: Age of sigmar

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 9:38 pm
by Titus
The To Hit and To wound is set and is based off of weapon. Armor saves have a lot more to do with it in this game. Deployment is you set unit, opponent sets unit, repeat until one side says stop. So you can always counter balance what the enemy is deploying. For the sudden death it looks like you get to choose the target unit if you outnumber. So it is not so bad as it seems. Have to wait till I see all the old army scrolls. I love my goblins and will be pissed if they do not play like them, sorry Grots now.

Re: Age of sigmar

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 10:35 pm
by Fritz
ahrimen wrote:The battalion scroll I saw had specific units and quantity of thoes unit that had to be taken, exampe, 1 dude on a zuule beast , 2 squads of sigmarines. I squad of winged sigmarines 2 squads of regular guys, = battalion with deepstrike.
Yup, that's exactly like a 40k formation.

Re: Age of sigmar

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 11:16 pm
by Fritz
Just read the 4 page "rule" pamphlet. Please tell me there's more, because that seems to describe exactly what said I did not want: a game of loose skirmishing forces. It looks awful. There is nothing new or interesting here. It's a simplified version of 40k.

Re: Age of sigmar

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 10:02 am
by Fritz
Well, we now all have at least a beta list for one of our armies in kings of war. Jeff, your Skaven have a working beta list found here: ... 02-07-2015

As you can see in that thread, Lizardmen are still to come. Now, however, we all have a way to play Kings of War.

Re: Age of sigmar

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 10:44 am
by lilscutt
Kings of war..... Why would you play that when you still have all the rules for 8th edition. That's saying you are going to drop years of your hobby bc they change game when you still can play 8th. To me that sounds like an bitter old man. Still saying give the game a chance to develop and go to your local store in your area, Dan go see rodalfo in Miami and depend where you are fritz Tucson or Scottsdale go see big john(Tucson) and luke(Scottsdale) try the new game.

Re: Age of sigmar

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 12:12 pm
by ahrimen
I still plan on playing 8th, I will probably play aos if it comes up but I'm not really interested in it yet. I will play kow if that's what all the cool kids do. Question , will 8th still be played in the stores?, or is that not going to be allowed?

Re: Age of sigmar

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 1:39 pm
by Fritz
I am looking at kings of war because there were parts of 8th that needed improvement that most hoped would be slight tweaks in a 9th edition. Some of the spells are too powerful and ridden monsters need a tweak. Plus, there are a few books that just plain didn't get support (remember Bretonnia?!). Why play an incomplete unsupported game system when another company has a potentially better ruleset that they're actively supporting? They also achieve better balance by being open and beta testing with their community.

I have no problem trying age of sigmar, but I have enough analytical capability to know it is not going to be a game for me. Units don't appear to rank up. The phase flow mirrors 40k (move, shoot, charge). There are no bonuses to flanking. Everything that made fantasy unique and tactically different from 40k is gone. They made a fantasy game that functionally plays very close to their other flagship game. I enjoy that type of game, but in a sci-fi setting. That's why I play 40k. I'm not going to play the same game with different models.

Re: Age of sigmar

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 6:10 pm
by ahrimen
So are we changing our 10,000 pt game to kow?

Re: Age of sigmar

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 9:01 pm
by Fritz
No idea right now. I'd like to try it out a few times before we go that crazy. One last 8th edition hurrah is not out of the question by any means. I'm just pissed off at GW right now. Zero loyalty to their customers, so why should I be loyal to them?

Re: Age of sigmar

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 9:31 pm
by MorGrendel
ahrimen wrote:So are we changing our 10,000 pt game to kow?
I'm the grumpy Gus and even that is extreme to me. :) wouldn't you just play end of times rules?

If I'm switching games I'll wait for Magic the Gathering. There you have whatever troops you "cast". Though people affectionately call it "heroscape 2.0". Models are the same quality ):

As far as age of sigmar goes, I'll have to give it a run before I decide. This is totally different but Warhammer needed a clean sweep. Why oh why they didn't just narratively transition to it and hype it is beyond me, but that's GW. They are a model company not a game company. They are literally taking "game" out of their name.

Re: Age of sigmar

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 10:22 pm
by Fritz
Oh this game has to be a joke. No point values? Are you kidding me? GW just flipped the finger to their customers. Don't expect my money anytime in the near future. If you as a company want to focus on models and not make rules, then license your shit out to someone who wants to make rules. Don't put out a half assed insult to your customers. I think I'll still play the huge game with End Times for one last hurrah, but that will be it for me for a good while unless it's Kings of War. I need a good break from all things GW.

Re: Age of sigmar

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 12:59 am
by Titus
There is no balance. How are you going to penalize me for taking more goblins than your elite army that does everything better?