Leadership: Flashlight Analogy

Development of Strategies and Tactics

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Leadership: Flashlight Analogy

Post by MorGrendel »

Flashlight Analogy

I stare at the light on my tent walls.
In the light of a flashlight I find an analogy to leadership.
Outwardly the light moves, encompassing all that it touches.
However, as you move towards the center, you begin to see rings of influence.
The first true ring is all those affected by the light.
Further in is a brighter ring, representing the friends the light touches.
The next ring and the bearer of the majority of the light are those most affected by the source. They are your family and immediate circle of friends. They are how you are recognized and identified. They are your purpose and what you are at the core.
If you peer closer, you notice a thin brightest ring, from here the light emanates. This is not the leader, but those that most radiate the qualities of the leader. The best of the best; the embodiment of the leader’s will, drive, and goals.

In the center is darkness. Like a leader, the bulb is isolated and blocked by its own shadow; for there is no light without the cadre of others.
Mor Grendel
If only I had an enemy bigger than my apathy.

Noli nothis permittere te terere.
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