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GGG - Need,Want, and Interested List

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 8:47 pm
by MorGrendel
As of 8/22/16

Need (I think we would love this game):
7 Wonders: Babel expansion - (More cards and mechanism)
7 Wonders: Duel - (2-player version)
Abyss - (Beautiful look, underwater kingdom theme , light, set collection , special powers)
Arcadia Quest - (PvP dungeon crawl/scenario. Beautiful models)
Biblios - (short, 2 phases, monks)
Blood Rage - (Vikings and Ragnarok - Eric Lang Design)
Cash and Guns 2.0 - (Wild, quick. pointing guns at people, gangster theme.)
Castles of Burgundy - (deep worker-placement, medieval)
Caverna - (Worker Placement, multiple ways to victory, Farming and Mining theme - scottish dwarf)
Concordia - (roman, euro - resource management)
Dixit - (Apples to Apples with pictures, party/family game, some people complain about the scoring, but that is simple to me)
Elysium - (Greek Theme, variable decks)
Five Tribes - (Mancala made interesting, Arabian theme)
Good Cop, Bad Cop - (team deduction, fast, player elimination)
Incan Gold - (Quick, Push your luck, handles lots of players well, interest rising, good with kids)
Kingsburg - (dice driven worker-placement, medieval theme, simultaneous turns, better with expansion)
Legendary Encounters: An Alien/Predator Deck Building Game - (Co-op thunderstone, very thematic)
Le Havre - (shipping, resource management, upgrade tiles)
Libertalia - (replaces Citadels, pirate theme)
Lifeboats - (Cutthroat game, Diplomacy in 30 min, sinking ship theme)
Machi Koro - (light city builder)
Memoir 44 - (2 player, war game, campaigns, short, days of wonder, lots of expansions)
Orleans (deluxe) - (bag builder, medieval, like Hyperboria)
Patchwork - (Tetris meets resource management)
Puerto Rico - (worker-placement, granddaddy game)
Red 7 - (quick card came)
Roll for the Galaxy - (galactic civilizations, well developed, a dice driven followup to Race for the Galaxy)
Shadows Over Camelot - (King Arthur theme, Grail Questing, Dependent on the crowd, traitor deduction)
Stone Age - (Worker Placement, replaces Settlers, caveman theme)
Spit It Out - (party game)
Spyfall - (party game - find the spy player, timed)
Terra Mystica - (Settlers/Small World on steroids. Race abilities - modify land types.)
Ticket to Ride - 1910 Expansion - (new cards, new modes, get it back to the table)
Tides of Time (quick card game)

Want (I think we would like this game):
Age of Empires III/Empires: Age of Discovery - (Worker Placement, america, historical, immersive, interest rising)
Alien Frontiers - (worker-placement, space, ships, area control)
Ave Ceaser - (Romans Racing)
Among the Stars - (7 Wonders in space, multiple victories, interest rising)
Baseball Highlights: 2045 - (card game)
Between Two Cities - (city builder where adjacent player build cities)
Battlestar Galactica - (Very highly rated and a well loved theme, Deduction, long 2-3 hours of play, interest rising)
Can't Stop (fast dice rolling game - press your luck - filler)
Citadels - (Many players - Medieval - good but other games may be better, interest falling)
Darkmoon - (A faster version of BSG)
Deadwood - (worker-placement, old-west, short)
Dominion - (Card - Godfather game, lots of expansions. Thundertone, very similar)
Eclipse - (Space conquest, 2 hours, shorter version of Twilight Imperium)
Eldritch Horror - (Lovecraftian adventure theme, co-op, length concern)
Imperial Settlers - (civ builder)
Firefly - (Browncoats Unite, too much randomness, long)
Fury of Dracula - (asynchronous sides, hidden movement)
Get Bit - (Quick and Simple, in a 3 pack too)
Hanabi - (quick, deductive co-op card game)
Kingsport Festival - (a cthulthu alternative to Kingsburg Darker and more complicated)
Lanterns - (tile laying game)
Manhattan Project - (worker-placement, feel like a race)
Merchant of Venus - (Settlers-like with area control, trade markets and racial abilities)
Mysterium - (dixit meets clue, coopish)
New York 1901 - (light city builder)
Nexus Ops - (Small tight war game)
One Night Ultimate Werewolf- (can handle a lot of people, more like role play/Resistance, Needs moderator)
Pillars of the Earth - (cathedral theme, Worker placement, very well balanced, Interest rising)
Power Grid - Want (Good game, but instructions are poorly translated)
Qwirkle - (Quick and Simple)
Race for the Galaxy - (Card, galactic civilizations, well developed)
Steam Park - (fast dice rolling and area control)
Steampunk Rally - (race where you build your racing vehicle)
Smash up - (Card builder, monster, dinosaurs,robots oh my)
Summoner Wars Master Set - (mostly 2 player)
Terror in Meeple City/Rampage - (dexterity, monsters destroying Meeples, family game)
The Battle of Five Armies - (The Hobbit battle war game, Like War of the Ring but plays in a third of the time.)
Thunderstone Advanced Expansions- Towers or Ruin and Root of Corruption - (more is better)
Tribune - (worker-placement, has expansion, roman, a lot of switching of power)

Interested (Sounds good, but I would like more info before purchasing):
* 1775: Rebellion- Interested (fighting mechanic is unique, elegant, and streamlined)
* Agricola - Interested (Worker Placement, replaced by Caverna, interest falling)
* Arkaham Horror - Interested (Lovecraftian, replaced by Eldritch Horror, Interest falling)
* Artifacts, Inc. -
* Airlines Europe - Interested (replaces Acquire/Union Pacific)
* Augustus - Interested (Card Drafting, worker-placement, short, rome)
* BattleLore, 2nd Edition -
* Blue Moon Legends -
* Camel Up -
* Carcasonne South Seas - Interested (Carcasonne with different rules)
* Carnival Zombie - Interested (Co-op, escape/kill zombies)
* Carson City - Interested (worker-placement, old west, deep)
* Caylas - Interested
* Coliseum - Interested
* Concept -
* Cosmic Encounters - Interested
* Dead Men Tell No Tales -
* Devestation of Indines - Interested
* Dominant Species - Interested
* Duel of Ages - Interested
* Duplik -
* Fairy Tale - Interested (Card Game)
* Felix the cat in the sac - Interested
* Formula D - Interested (Racing cars, supports many players, easy to teach)
* Fortress America - Interested
* Fortune and Glory - Interested
* Francis Drake - Interested (worker-placement, confrontation, historical)
* Game of Thrones - Interested (War game that supports many players well)
* Gold West -
* Hansa Teutonica - Interested
* Last Will - Interested (worker-placement, silly, last days)
* Medieval Academy -
* Myth - Interested (dungeon crawler, character ability, expensive)
* Nations - Interested (civ-like, components don't match cost, long 40 min per player)
* Ogre - Interested (War game, one vs many)
* Phantom of the Opera - Interested (Mr. Jack style, 2 player)
* Relic Runner - Interested
* Robinson Crusoe: Adventure on the Cursed Island - Interested (Huge thematic game, co-op)
* Rolling Freight - Interested (Trains, track laying)
* Russian Railroads - Interested (Trains but not really, lots of strategy)
* Santiago de Cuba - Interested (small, quick)
* Shakespeare - (unique concept)
* Sperium - Interested (worker-placement, 2 choices per space)
* SOS Titanic/Radio Klondike - Interested (rummy/solitaire)
* Survive - Interested
* Sushi Go - Interested
* Tash Kalar (best two player, up to 4, abstract with monsters)
* Thebes - Interested (Mid-light Euro, no direct conflict, lots of strategy, Interest rising)
* The Boss - Interested
* TransAmerica - Interested
* Twilight Struggle - Interested
* TZAAR - Interested (Abstract, 2-player?)
* Ultimate Werewolf- Interested (can handle a lot of people, more like role play/Resistance, Needs moderator)
* Ultimate Warriorz -(card driven king of tokyo style)
* Unspeakable Words - Interested (word game, where you can lose your mind and make up words, Cthulhu)
* Wiraqocha - Interested (worker-placement, steampunk)
* Witch of Salem - Interested (Horror, Co-op)
* Word on the Street - Interested
* Yedo - Interested (worker-placement, Japan, mean)
* YINCH - Interested (Abstract, 2-player?)

Neuroshima Hex - 2 payer, platoon based strategy.
Hearthstone - Card builder similar to magic and thunderstone - free
Alien Frontiers - Area control, dice-worker-management.
That's My Fish - Simple, easy to learn, a little cutthroat, pass and play

7 Wonders- Jeff
Bang the dice game - Jeff
Bang the dice game - Walking Dead edition - Jason
Castles of mad King Ludwig - Jason
Champions of Midgard
Codenames - Jeff
Colt Express
Cutthroat Caverns
Dead of Winter - Jason
Dead Man's Draw
Dead Panic
Exploding Kittens
For Sale - Jeff
Jamaica - Jeff
Kemet - Jeff
King of Tokyo - Jeff, Gregor
King of New York - Doug
Level 7 - Omega Protocol - Jason
Loot Letter - Jason
Lords of Waterdeep - Gregor
Loot Letter - Jason
Love Letter - Jeff
Mission: Red Planet - Jeff
Mysterium - Cook
No Thanks - Jeff
Pillars of the Earth - Jeff
Robo Rally - Jeff
Sheriff of Nottingham - Clayson
Splendor - Jeff, Gregor
Sushi Go! - Jeff, Jason
Telestration - Jeff
Terror in Meeple City/Rampage - Jason
Thunderstone Advanced - Jason, Clayson, Cook
Titan - The Arena - Jeff
Viceroy - Cook
Xia - Jason

Re: GGG - Need,Want, and Interested List

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 10:47 am
by MorGrendel
Jason picked up Level 7: Omega Protocol. It was great. Runs long as feared, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. The time flew. I can't ever see playing Space Hulk again.
Also picked up Hive. It is 2-player, but fits a niche for me.

Adding a new Category: Apps.
These games are good and are well rendered on a app.

Re: GGG - Need,Want, and Interested List

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 6:14 pm
by MorGrendel
Christmas is coming, thought I'd bump this.

Re: GGG - Need,Want, and Interested List

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 11:36 pm
by MorGrendel
For Christmas 2015

Stocking Stuffers
1. Dead Man's Draw - 14.99
2. Sushi Go! - 9.99
3. Good Cop, Bad Cop - 12.99
4. Machi Koro - 19.99
5. Ticket to Ride - 1910 Expansion - 12.99
6. Red 7 - 7.99
7. Spit It Out - 13.49
8. Tides of Time - 7.99
9. 7 Wonders: Duel - 19.99
10. Star Realms Deckbuilding Game - 7.49 (may need 2)

Bigger and Better
1. Mission: Red Planet - 31.99
2. Kingsburg - 31.99
3. Stone Age - 32.99
4. Dixit - 22.99
5. Five Tribes - 39.49
6. Telestrations - 23.99
7. Ticket to Ride Map Collection: Volume 5 – United Kingdom & Pennsylvania - 25.49
8. Lords of Waterdeep - 32.99
9. Elysium - 39.49
10. Cash and Guns 2.0 - 26.49
11. Roll for the Galaxy - 39.49
12. Colt Express - 26.49
13. Incan Gold - 16.99
14. Libertalia - 32.99
15. Shadows Over Camelot - 39.49
16. Pandemic Legacy Season 1 - 45.99
17. Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck Building Game - 44.49
18. Lifeboats - 36.49
19. Abyss - 39.49
20. Blood Rage - 63.99
21. Caverna - 87.30
22. Terra Mystica - 52.99
23. Patchwork - 22.50
24. Smash Up - 13.99
25. Tumblin' Dice - 44.99

Re: GGG - Need,Want, and Interested List

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 11:43 am
by MorGrendel
New games on the Radar:
Bloody inn
Pirate Den
Coliseum (reprint)
Star Wars Rebellion
Zombicide - Black Plague
Deception: Murder in Hong Kong