Games for children 8 and under

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Games for children 8 and under

Post by MorGrendel »

I have been planning to put this together for a while, and with Doug calling me the other day for recommendations, I finally have the motivation. Here is my guide for games for children 8 and under.

1. Any Haba Games - Monza, Animal Upon Animal, Baren Stark (Strong Stuff)
Haba Games are designed for this age group. They generally engage children with a dexterity mechanic and another simple mechanic (racing, die rolling, memory).

2. Tsuro
Tile laying game where players attempt to keep their dragon on the board without running into another player's dragon. Quick, simple, and elegant. Note: Do not confuse with "Tsuro of the Sea", which is not a good game in my opinion.

3. Forbidden Island
Player work together to gather treasure before the island sinks. Highly recommended by the people who rate stuff. I've played Forbidden Desert with the boys and they picked it right up, and I believe FD is more complex than Forbidden Island. That said, a simpler game might mean the children are more active as leaders than followers, so FI for the 8 and under crowd.

4. The Amazing Labyrinth
Sliding tiles create a maze that players navigate to gather items. With only 2 actions per turn, it is simple to teach and there is little down time between turns. The "take that" nature of a shifting board is fun for children. And there is a pun in the title.

5. Hey That's My Fish
Penguins walk in straight lines to pick up fish, the most fish wins. Look out for sharks and players attempting to block or trap you. At only $10 or $0.99 as an app, what do you have to lose?

6. The Hare and the Tortoise
A forced-bet racing game where players try to get their characters across the finish line first. Fun for all ages, the older, the more cutthroat.

7. Incan Gold
A press-your-luck game where players vie for jewels and avoid being crushed by rock slides. Fun and light, but there is some negotiation so a outgoing child could push around a shyer child.

8. Catan Junior
Great components. Borrows and simplifies the Catan resource distribution, retains worker placement, and utilizes a bank rather than trading (though I think you can still trade).

9. Kids of Carcassone
Comes highly rated, though I have not played it or seen it played.

10. The Three Little Pigs
It is part of the Storybook Series that includes The Hare and the Tortoise. Iello also made King of Tokyo.

Honorable Mention: King of Tokyo
King of Tokyo probably would have made #1, but with three version floating around in our group, it seemed redundant on this guide.

Honorable Mention: Hive
I really like this game, but since it is only 2-players, I left it off the list.
Mor Grendel
If only I had an enemy bigger than my apathy.

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