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Dread adventure

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 11:22 pm
by MorGrendel
I've mentioned the idea of running a Dread adventure. It's claim to fame is that instead of dice, you use a Jenga tower. This builds tension and makes players act in ways that is surprising even to them (i'm losing my mind), but it does require dexterity to determine outcomes which some feel is a disconnect (crap, I read a book and died). Here is a helpful page about the Dread system, particularly check the Dread Quick Reference and Excerpt:

Nothing is set in stone, but I'm not sure I want to memorize another heavy RPG rulebook. This seems light and simple and something you can jump right into.

I'm thinking future setting, DC 2042 (Actually, it would be New Columbia, the 51st State; the district itself is a fortified area containing just government buildings, capitol, white house and monuments). Players are officers/detectives in corruption addled police precinct; I'm thinking Gotham meets Almost Human. So not cyberpunk per say, but androids, clones, and hover vehicles - sure.

Let me know if you have any interest or thoughts.

Re: Dread adventure

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 9:14 am
by boagrius
Sounds intriguing.

Re: Dread adventure

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 5:12 pm
by MorGrendel
Player: (Paraphrasing - please do not add tone) I really liked Dark Heresy. It was a world full of fluff we knew and enjoyed. I'm not sure I could get into something else. I'm a bit of a Sci-Fi snob. I like what I like.

My Response: I also liked Dark Heresy, and was intrigued by a system that had a Sanity stat and the possibility to losing your mind. The problem was all the skills leaned towards running and gunning, and barring a disastrous series of dice rolls a player almost always chose to fight their way through a situation.
* Inundated with flies - Shoot them.
* Stuck in the dark with a creature phasing in and out of reality - Throw a grenade.
* Greater Demon summoned from a magic spell gone awry and the hab block you are on top of is on fire - Stand and fight.

This is partly my fault, I positioned/evolved the game into a miniatures game because that was the play style. But what I really wanted was for players to be afraid. I wanted a tension that made you agonize over decisions. I wanted the players to be paranoid and second guess one another. This never happened. BTW - One of the players was not what they appeared.

I don't blame the players. Honestly, what is scary in the 40K setting? Clearly not demons - you are geared to fight them. One character had straps and bolts embedded into their skull after their head exploded. WTF - If that's where we start, I can't think of much worse (OK - Klien in a skin suit - Shivers). Except maybe Servitors - Living people, chopped up and used like machines for the rest of eternity! If I got a choice between being demon possessed and being a servitor, bye bye Imperium, hello chaos.

Anyway, I know at face value playing a world very similar to our own might sound boring, but I hope that will allow for the element of surprise and moments of sheer terror. I hope players are constantly asking, "Am I going to survive this?"

Best part, it's not the GM that kills you, it's you. hehehehehehe...

More coming soon.

Re: Dread adventure

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 11:36 am
by MorGrendel
Map of New Columbia as passed by the 116th United States Congress:
New Columbia v2 sm JPG.jpg

Re: Dread adventure

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 12:06 pm
by MorGrendel
Setting: Welcome to New Columbia - 2042.

Nothing ever changes, or at least, nothing for the good.
The future was supposed to be better right? Nope. Civil unrest coupled with designer drugs mixed with rampant unchecked technology equates to a 400% uptick in crime. You work for the underfunded, understaffed Metropolitan Police, where partners disappear, corruption is deep seeded, and trust is at a premium. Moreover, there is a real threat of violence from the mob, gangs, terrorists, radicals, protesters, local inhabitants and the occasional psychopathic villain. However, Janine makes great coffee and Malarky’s donuts are delicious, so it’s not all bad.

In the shadow of protection, darkness surrounds.
Even at the best of times, your pseudo-allies Fortress America (FA) - Champions of Free Liberty - bristle at your presence. They guard Old DC from thick concrete walls, some as high as 13 stories (any higher would block the view of the Capitol dome). The Defenders of the District keep their pocketbooks lined with rich government contracts; this affords them near autonomy and fun toys like Eye Drones and 20-foot tall Heavy Walkers. The FA may maintain the peace in the Empty District, but they also keep their guns trained your direction… because when you finally fail, that will be their cue to launch a patriotic cleansing of the streets of 51st state. As it is, the FA continues to creep deeper into New Columbia’s neighborhoods, erecting more and more guarded “facilities” on annexed land. On the beat one hears many stories like how Grandma Deethpa wasn’t consulted when the FA decided to put a wall right where her bird bath used to be, or how Gordon Young was out-of-town when they knocked down his auto body shop to put in a parking lot for hover tanks.

A government for the people, by the people, terrified of the people.
So who are the people that the government needs protection from? War hawks call them Terrorists, the FA call them Radicals, the Corps call them EMIs (Early Market Indicators), and the Police, well, they use the street term “HiLo” for High-Tech Low-Life. Be they a “skin farmer”, “gladiator”, or “set troll”, they use the worst parts of technology and human avarice for personal gain. Sinister “ware-wolves” are able to spendhack your paycheck in the time it takes you to punch out and leave the building. They are a step up from regular “LoLo”-types; your everyday pimps, dealers, and thugs who still break the law the old fashion way. And then there is the mostly legit citizenry of New Columbia, who suddenly found themselves surrounded by walls, checkpoints, and militarized zones. Paranoia and tempers flare whenever anyone in a uniform shows up in the neighborhoods. It’s worth mentioning these are the unhappy people you are sworn to protect. Good luck.

Like a bug on the windshield.
You can feel an uninviting buzz on the streets; something is coming. What will be the spark that sets New Columbia on fire? I won’t sugar coat it; nothing you do can really make any kind of difference. However, you can suffer the overwhelming frustration no more. Alone you are powerless and isolated. You need to find some kindred spirits and clean up this city state before it too late.

Where have I heard that before?

Re: Dread adventure

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 9:25 pm
by MorGrendel
Soft Open: Maryland. 7.8 miles North from the East Capital Gate.

Lieutenant Cole slides into his unmarked cruiser and scans the log. The cruiser comes alive at his presence. The squawk box unmutes and begins chattering as possible routes materialize on the 3D navigator. He adjusts the holodash, and checks in via Telloc. Everything in order, Cole selects a route and prepares to leave. However, as he reaches for the ignition, he stops, deciding to smoke a cigarette instead. Quietly from behind tinted glass, he observes the mourners as they pour out the double doors. He can’t help but profile them. There are so many of them, the majority are chittering and gossiping in low voices punctuated by furtive glances and nervous smiles.

Empty caskets do that. Friends, family, and far-too-many looky-loos letting their imaginations run wild.

Huh, If they only knew.

He was one of the best of us. Young, bright, strong, and fearless. A nice guy with an easy smile. Even that homunculus, Jimenez, liked him. He was incorruptible and so very, very naive.

Nothing changes in this city state, or at least nothing changes for the good.

One could almost admire him, standing on his desk, trying to rally the troops to clean up the streets. He wanted to take the good fight straight to the mob, show them we were not intimidated, that we would fight tooth and nail for...

What was it?

The people?

Cole releases a large puff of smoke and a jaded, stifled laugh. His chest hurts and his eyes tear a little. Deciding he’s seen enough, he fires up the cruiser.

Ugh. I almost felt ashamed as my men and so many fellow officers turned their heads and pretended to be busy doing something, … anything else.

Almost ashamed.

Cole rubs out his cigarette, and drives away from Gasch's funeral home. He passes a reelection sign for PG County Sheriff, and his mood sours. Politics and police never mix well.

Golden boy? Maybe. Stupid prick with nothing to lose. Yeah, definitely.

Nobility in the 51st earns you meals through a straw. You always have to watch what you say, and who you say it to. Everyone knows the precinct is overrun with rats whose loyalty is for sale. Heck, half of the DEs and the undercovers are either on the Calterri or Fortress America payrolls. Word always spreads.

Still, no one deserves to die like that. No cop at least.

Despite feeling a bit light-headed, Cole decides to light another cigarette. He takes three quick puffs, and then stares at the ember, the cherry.

Troff’n new guy! What did he think he could do beyond banging up a few LoLos. He’d never get near anyone close to Calterri. Not his way.

What is this shit? Retaliation? No. No. Way too much.

We maintain order in the 51st; no one wants the FA stepping in and creating another Detroit Island. The mob needs us!

Cole angrily punches the steering wheel. He takes a deep breath, chest tight, as he merges onto 295. Going from the dark back roads to the bright highway lights, his eyes take a long minute to adjust.

No, this was a message. Keep your mouth shut!

They pulled out his teeth, removed his lips, and cut his tongue into ribbons. He swallowed a nearly liter of blood, for Christ’s sake. Would have choked down more, if not for the cute memento pockets they carved all over his body.

What sick creeper does something like that?

Cole passes a sign for Cheverly/Tuxedo and grunts. When he was young he dated a girl down there. Those were pleasanter times. Disrupting his eye line and momentary bliss is another sign, surrounded in flashing gold stars, “Welcome to New Columbia, America's 51st State”. Scrawled in red underneath "State" are the words "OF EMERGENCY" and a sigil that resembles the scales of justice.

Odd though, his head was unblemished from the eyes up. Guess they wanted him to see the whole bloody show. Even the crows left his twisted body alone. Course, there is always the possibility that he was still alive when they hung him up there. How they managed to nail him to the Capitol Palisade with no one watching, well, that's New Columbia for you.

Cole rubs his temples as he turns onto East Capitol Street. He had not planned to visit the Capitol Palisade, but was drawn there anyway. He told his men to stay away, fearing their tempers might get the best of them. The streets of Capitol Hill are a riot of signs: one way, ped x-ing, no trucks, limit 2 tons, no parking before 7:00 pm. Madness, unless these are your streets.

There must be another fundraiser. FA bastards have their spots on.

Heading into the District, the East Capitol Gate is backed up and traffic grinds to a halt. The FA operators aim the gate spots directly at the turning vehicles making navigating the intersection a headache. Cole rubs his temples. No sooner are his eyes closed, he hears a cabbie arguing with a street vendor over the spices in shawarma outside his window. Cole flashes his lights and bullies his way through the intersection.

The Palisade wall is clean, not even a mark where the spikes had been pounded in. Cole knows the spot, he'll never forget it. His eyes scan for any scars, but find none. Instead, the only blemish is an old water stain. No flowers or memorials remember the day. Even worse, Fortress America investigators have kept the body so they can conduct an autopsy. This is going to make waves, big blue ones full of malcontent MPD officers.

Lost in thought, Cole absentmindedly turns onto M Street SE and heads towards the water. He pulls up to Pier 14 of the Washington Channel. The smell is stifling, even in the car, but the view is worth it. He watches the birds play on the Potomac, geese coexisting with ducks and gulls.

They are the free ones. The muses of the goddess Columbia.



The moonlight prisms and glitters across water, at times the scene appears frozen. Both held in time and from a different season; sometimes clear and glossy, at other moments blurry and white. Migrating birds form floating shapes and letters, speaking a language only the Lieutenant understands. The characters peel up from the backdrop appearing dense and three dimensional. In their wake, shadows tumble and stretch forming the faces of past demons. Some laugh, most cry. Memories best left to die.

The twisted images collapse as the birds lift off from the water as one. In reflex Cole lifts his heavy hand. They turn in flight with the moon to their backs as a gentle click is heard. As they fly overhead the geese honk a warning, drowning out the blast of the pistol in the Lieutenant's mouth.


The Captain calls you into his office…
… and with that your adventure begins.

Re: Dread adventure

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 11:26 pm
by MorGrendel
GM Notes: A message to the players.

Ready? Before we begin, let's discuss a few things.

In the soft open we are already presented with two deaths to investigate. When inventing a world it is easy to begin chasing down the rabbit hole and in that process create more and more stuff to fill that world. Inevitably this is followed by then trying to shoehorn the players to fit into this world.

However, with this Dread adventure(s) what I'd like to do is for the players to create their own detailed characters who then inform the story. I would literally like to create a character driven story. The more I think on the setting the less it appears to be far future, but rather near future. I've come to realize the scope works best if in 27 years nothing really changes. The world is a little bit older, but probably no wiser and definitely no kinder. There may be hover technology, but in the end there's no new fuel source, so it's not that practical. Conversely, 27 years ago people didn't have the Web or social media, and valued their privacy greatly. The Web has greatly changed the way with people communicate and as such we should explore the ramifications of a completely wired world. How does your character feel about being watched and tracked? How do they react to targeted advertising?

Also, medical advances continued to change the way we live and I think that's where the augmetic tech comes in. Perhaps in 2042 there still no cure for cancer, but we can cut that bad part out and replace it with something else. How far ethically can we take cut and replace people? How does your character feel about the world they live in?

Below are five character sheets. Choose the one you'd like to play. Always add the unspoken “why” to each question. When creating a character, think about their moral compass and how do they rationalize their decisions. What motivated or motivates your character, and how did they arrive here?

Warning - If you are new to role play, it may be hard for you to invest in your character if it is too unlike you. If you can't see a path for growth or change in a character, then play an archetype that is more comfortable.

As I said before, I would like the characters to inform the story let them dictate where it meanders to.

Email or private message me your questionnaire. Let me know if you have any questions.

Re: Dread adventure

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 11:27 pm
by MorGrendel
The questionnaire: I am a beat cop/officer.

What Department/Unit do you work for? Which Department/Unit do you despise?

What do you keep on your cruiser’s dashboard? What is in the secret compartment in the dash?

What is your gun's name? Who was she?

What is your biggest mistake since graduating the academy?

How do you feel about cybernetics and sexbots? Why do you know so much about the Batting Cages and the Real Skin trade?

Why do you avoid Chinatown and keep your distance from the Chen Tzen Gang?

Unlike most New Columbia residents, you have never stepped foot in the District. Why?

How did you lose your partner? How has it affected you?

What sets you off? What calms you down?

How long have you been clean and sober? What is your drug of choice?

Fortress America wants to establish checkpoints in New Columbia. Why is that a bad idea?

The Captain appears to trust and show faith in you, but does not talk to you directly. Describe your relationship?

What is your current relationship status? How’s it going?

What is your name?

Re: Dread adventure

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 11:28 pm
by MorGrendel
The questionnaire: I am a detective.

New Columbia, the 51st State, goes by the moniker the Progressive State, due to it’s relaxing of laws and attempts to embrace all freedoms, including sanctioned gambling, prostitution, and drug use. How do feel about this and how has it affected you?

After your first investigation you developed a phobia, what is it and why? How has it interfered since?

You have a somewhat shady past through which you acquired certain skills. What did you do and what skills did you learn?

What would you not want your mob friends to find out about you?

Why did you let the old lady die and the mobster live?

Some interrogations require a bit less talking and a bit more forceful persuading. What’s your take on this?

Why do you prefer to work alone? How does this affect your work?

Why aren’t you sleeping well? When you daydream at work, what do you dream about?

What advice from your mother will you never forget? Why is it ironic/strange that you became a cop in New Columbia?

What is it about Foggy Bottom that makes your hair stand up on end?

While moonlighting as a Liaison Specialist in the district what crime did you see committed and why can’t you tell anyone?

Why can’t you ever find a clean shirt? What’s with the hat?

What is your current relationship status? How’s it going?

What is your name?

Re: Dread adventure

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 11:29 pm
by MorGrendel
The questionnaire: I am a Sergeant.

What award or accolade are you the most proud of?

When you first arrived in New Columbia, you had to hitchhike to get here. Why?

Why do you hate cybernetics and what part of you do you miss the most? What advantages are there to your cybernetics?

What are your feelings about the New Columbia's statehood? Should New Columbia have been reconstituted into Maryland as previously proposed?

Normally you're a paragon of morals which sometimes is an inconvenience. However, one time you did go against your moral compass; what happened and why do you regret it?

Why do you avoid the Metro and/or being underground?

Why do you no longer talk to your friends that work for Fortress America? Why would they screen your call if you did reach out?

How are you coping with the death of your spouse/child? Are you seeing anyone about it?

When did the hand shakes return? Have you determined a trigger?

What was your childhood nickname? How and why does that name still haunt you today?

When others describe you what one detail do they always mention? What do they always leave out?

What is in the cavity of the hollow book on your bookshelf? What’s the title of the book?

What is your current relationship status? How’s it going?

What is your name?

Re: Dread adventure

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 11:31 pm
by MorGrendel
The questionnaire: I am a rookie.

What can you do that most other people cannot? What do you wish you could do?

Why did the mob kill your brother/sister? What was left behind?

Why don't the other officers take you seriously or believe you broke the nose of the last guy who laughed at you?

Even though the record was wiped clean, what haunts you from the past?

Even though you work in New Columbia and are required to live in New Columbia, why do you keep a home in Maryland?

What happened in Georgetown and why do you avoid the area?

Who do you owe a lot of money to? Why?

What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done to a loved one?

In what subject did you excel at in the academy? Which subject did you do poorly at? Which subject were you passionate about, but always alluded you?

When did your migraines start and when do they seem to happen? How often do you dose to kill the pain?

What is your secret agenda/goal and why can’t anyone help you with it?

Being a chrome, you are simply better. What special ability do you have? How do you feel about non-chromes?

What is your current relationship status? How’s it going?

What is your name?

Re: Dread adventure

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 11:32 pm
by MorGrendel
The questionnaire: I am an undercover.

What is your cover profession and where do you “work”? What skill from it have you gained?

How do you feel about Fortress America and why? Why do you Heavies fill you with dread?

Why were you investigated by internal affairs? How does that affect you?

What are most people tolerant of, but you can't stand?

What happened in Rock Creek Park that you don’t want to talk about?

Why don’t you want anyone to know about your wife’s family’s money?

What elected figure do you know? How has that impacted you?

On what subject are you evasive about, even when it might make others suspicious about you?

Like many undercovers, you’re fairly superstitious. What’s your good luck charm?

What area/room of the precinct do you avoid?

Why does your mouth taste like blood? What did the doctor say about it?

What skill makes you a good undercover? What skill are you missing and worry it will get you killed?

What is your current relationship status? How’s it going?

What is your name?

Re: Dread adventure

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 11:37 pm
by MorGrendel
Background Information for Character Development:

Police Departments:
Vice Unit, Robbery Unit, Drug Enforcement Unit, Homicide Unit, Gun Recovery Unit, Auto Theft Unit, Liaison Specialist Unit, Emergency Response Team, Explosive Ordnance Disposal Unit, Civil Disturbance Unit, Harbor Patrol Unit, Canine Unit, Motorcycle Unit, Mounted Unit, Air Support Unit, Special Events Unit.

Primary Alignments:
Clean: Law-abiding, loyal to the Department. You want to be a good cop and clean up New Columbia.
Neutral: Concerned about right and wrong. Unconcerned about laws and courts. Seeks maintain a balance, based on own moral compass. Can be over protective and vengeful.
Dirty: Not law abiding or loyal to the department. Generally works for someone else for profit or gain.

Player Archetypes:
Golden Boy: Will not do anything perceivable as illegal/wrong (even if it is not), always upstanding and honest.
Wholesome: Definitely clean, loyal to the Department. Willing to bend rules to get answers or save time.
Billy Boy: Jaded cop. Generally clean, but not opposed to extreme violence. Disrespectful to people perceived below him/her.
Compromised: Generally clean, but blackmailed or put in a position that precludes complete loyalty to the Department. Guilt-ridden, can be uncooperative, and lies.

Loner: Neutral. Unconcerned with others opinions and follows own moral compass. Possibly verging on vigilantism. Rational but aloof.

Redeemable: Dirty, but wants to be clean. Generally, comprised but does good things. Poor decision maker.
Crooked: Dirty, will do anything for money/drugs/power. Can demonstrate minor loyalty to close crooked friends on both sides of the law.
Criminal: Dirty, with no loyalty or affection for the Department.

Non-Player Archetypes:
Vigilante: Neutral, somewhat mentally broken. Not opposed to wearing a costume and whisper growling.
Villain: Worse than dirty, they actively work to undermine the department. No apprehension towards murder and violent crime.
Unstable: Losing touch with reality, prone to breakdowns and mood swings.
Psychotic: Completely broken moral compass. Prone to anger and depression.

Player People Types:
Natural: Not augmented. Most common.
Chromes: Genetically altered. Rare. Generally smarter, better at schooling, better recall. Tend to be more docile and fragile. Elitists. Tend to stay in tight groups of other Chromes to avoid belligerent Chrome haters.
Augs: Technologically altered. Generally for medical reasons a mechanical part replaces a flesh part. Some choose to electively alter their form which is not illegal, but the sale of parts is limited to established medical business and the parts must be installed by a licensed doctor.

Other people types (?):
Morlock/mutant (environmentally altered), cyborg (minimal organic), android (no organic), servitor (some organic, no higher function), droid (no organic, no higher function). AI (higher function, generally no physical presence)