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Post by hypo »

From the Markland Message Board
The Circle proudly presents the Holy War and the Battle of Agincourt

At Knight’s Rest Farm in Hainesport N.J
Companions of the Cross (Cheslov and Joanna's beautiful farm)


Last the year the forces of Marklar fought against the Pasta-farians and there was plenty of blood shed in the name of there gods.

Now Marklar has demanded there be a Crusade. Come one and all the Holy War has begun.
Pick your Deity of choice and fight for the honor of your God.
Scenarios will emulate battles over religion through history.

I’ll let some silly and fantasy ones are represented to for those Chaos and Elvis followers.

Battles to be fought
-Defend the Temple- timed battle
-Be the last disciple’s standing- Clan Battle
-Convert the Masses- Alliance Battle alliance can’t be made till thirty seconds before the Start and allies can’t not be right next to each other.
-Flee from Persecution- Prison escape battle
-Protect Your Idol- “Secret King Style” Resurrection Battle
(Ones name is Billy the other is Eric). Holder of the idol can only be killed in the head.
-Viking Scourge/Town Battle. One side Vikings must steal “items” from the Monks and there local Magistrates.

Note – It’s all in fun and not to be taken too serious to offend anyone else.
No deity will be seriously offended or the offender will be removed from the field.
Silly razzing like “my god is better then you god” is fine..

Classes that will be taught throughout the afternoon….

Rec Fighting and some others.

Sunday we will be recreating the
Battle of Agincourt
(details to be announced)

The famous Battle of the Hundred Years War and it will be a fun battle for new and old Marklander alike to recreate the battle.
Novices of Rec and people interested are highly encouraged to attend and participate.

and plenty of Frat fighting on sunday as well.

Look to the Markland message board for upcoming information about the Holy War and the Battle of Agincourt.

Contact Fox MacAodhagen for more info.
He can be reached at norseraider314@hotmail.com or
Duke Sir Fox Rethgar MacAodhagen
Chieftain of the Circle
Warlord of Markland
hýÞö, Aka-Guðmundr Feitrháls Þórsson, Aka-Nugget. Aka-Cramman Ruithais
The Order of Ansuz
Citizen of Galatia
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