Hello and Welcome

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Hello and Welcome

Post by MorGrendel »

Hey Serban, et al,

What did we ever do regarding these Welcome letters? Should we separate them and add them to Lore? (hmm, may need some formatting, looks like it got stripped.)



Hello new recruit,
Welcome to Galatia.

If you are reading this, it means you had the urge to learn more about us, and perhaps even to try to understand what we are all about. As you have likely gleaned, our Web site is a wealth of information on which many Galatians have worked long hours to perfect. I can tell you that it can provide you a glimpse at who we were, and who we have become. So I will begin this with a disclaimer; please take everything you read about us with a grain of salt. Galatia has changed a lot over the years. I've seen this group be the largest on the field, and I've seen it as low as two determined warriors; I have seen four constitutions, three warlords, two confederations, and one great schism. If anything, experience has thought us that change is the engine of Galatia.

With that in mind, assume nothing is set in stone. Question everything. Galatia thrives on new ideas and new members stepping up and making an impact. My hope with these pages is to provide some guidance, so that you might share in our future and know what it means to be a Galatian. This brings me to our first rule:

You Owe Nothing; You Earn Everything.

It's that simple. You'll cut your teeth on that mantra, no matter what your future with us holds. There will be no hazing, no debasing, and no browbeating. You are free to choose your own path and forge your own identity. Let nothing stop you from enjoying yourself. However, in this process you are not alone; we will guide you, and we will show you what is expected of a Galatian.

Before I can continue discussing your path, I must palaver for just a moment on our shared history so you might understand how we got here to year twenty. Out of high school we founded this group; I think it is no stretch of the imagination to say our intelligence and maturity levels were right at the same level. Galatia was called something else then, nevertheless, it was a still a tight-knit fraternity. Over time we grew up and our opinions about ourselves changed, and thus the group dynamic changed with us. What started as a monocratic fraternity became a democratic brotherhood, which became a feudal household/knighthood, which gave way to the oligarchical peerage we use today.

So what is an oligarchical peerage? The answer is quite simple, actually. The future of Galatia is decided by its Citizens; the only voting members of Galatia. New Citizens are created by unanimous vote by all current Citizens. All Citizens are considered peers, and one voice equals one vote. The only exception to this rule is that the Warlord may cast a deciding vote in the case of a tie. However, to my knowledge this power has never been used.

Now you might think what I have described is a democracy, but it is not. Galatia is also made up of non-voting members called Freemen. However, Freemen are not silenced, and you can be assured for now that all logical and intelligent voices will be heard.

Ponder on this for a while:

"The highest form of government is what people hardly even realize is there." -Tao Te Ching

I always interpreted that to mean structure is good, but should not be intrusive. Freedom. This idea permeates into all things Galatian. From the battlefield to our government, which is not lead by a figurehead or great counsel, rather, it is run on the individual level with members discussing ideas and coming to a consensus. Very little voting is actually ever done. I liken this to a family, where spouses and children are not forced to sleep outside when there is a disagreement. Everyone in the family finds a way to compromise, and this is how I like to think we run things. Every so often, there is the need for a Citizen-Only meeting, but those generally only happen when we are discussing elevating a new Citizen.

I think the strongest point I can make here before moving on is that everyone can belong to the Galatian family and each member will have a voice. At times experience might allow for someone’s words to carry more weight. However, I assure you no line will ever be drawn on the basis of sex, religion, race, or age; your voice will judged solely by what you bring to the table. Moreover, Galatia is not driven to be the largest group; rather we would rather keep our ranks small and filled with people of substance. We value virtues like Honor, Unity, Service, and Humility; we hope to grow our ranks with like-minded people full of heart, humor, and selflessness.

Assuming you are of like-mind and truly wish to be one of us, then you have already taken your first step along the path to becoming a Galatian and part of our family. What path you choose from here is yet undetermined. However, I would recommend for your next step that you read through the Handbook of Galatia. It will give you more insight as to the structure of our group and elucidate on our commonly used terminology.
So you read the Handbook? Good.

If you are still interested, now would be a good time to let a Citizen know that you want to be a part of this. You can simply inform them of your interest to be a Galatian Freeman. I fear it won’t be outstandingly climatic, but rest assured, the largest fires are often started from the most innocuous spark.


G’day New Freeman:

At this point, you’ve likely hit your first stumbling block, and find yourself thinking, “So what’s the big deal?” The simplest answer is that this is the way we do it; small incremental steps. You may struggle with the difference between a “What is a Galatian” and a “What is a Galatian Freeman.” You may wonder why it even matters.

All are fair questions, and you are not the first to ask. First, let’s discuss this tribe, Galatia. The tribe is a collection of families working towards the same goal. A Galatian then would be any tribe member under the protection, or Aegis, of the group as a whole. These members include spouses, children, parents, and close friends; who may or may not even know they are part of our tribe or aegis. It pleases us that all of our loved ones are safe, and we require no special attention brought to it.

Where this differs for a Freeman, is that a Freeman is a member of the tribe that is actively maintaining this aegis and searching for ways to better the tribe. They do this because they care and because they want to belong to something bigger than themselves. It is through this unrequited love, this trust in others, and this loyalty to the Nation that camaraderie and Brotherhood are born.

You Honor us by your presence and your deeper commitment. You share in our group’s Unity and help it to forge its identity. Your Service and time are indispensible to the success of this group. Your willingness to act as needed without recognition exemplifies your Humility. These are the Virtues of a true Galatian, regardless of rank.

And though the name, Freeman, seems to imply almost the opposite meaning, it is your freedom to choose to take up this mantle and these extra responsibilities that make you a worthy recruit.

So what does it mean to be a Galatian Freeman? You are now part of the fold. People will look to you for help and include you in their lives. On the battlefield you will be identified as one of us, and we will share in our triumphs, our glories, and our defeats. People will praise and curse you for the company you keep. You drink and eat, smile and laugh, cry and mourn with us; because that’s what families do. This won’t be a wholesale change of who you are as a person, but rather slow cultural osmosis. Don’t worry, it won’t hurt.

You Owe Nothing; You Earn Everything.

This brings us back to you and your Path. For now, being a Freeman should be enough. As your bonds grow with the group, you may choose to take that next step, which is to Pledge yourself to the group. Galatian Pledges wish for a deeper relationship with the group and desire to take an active role in its day-to-day operations. Ultimately, a Pledge is a future Citizen in training, and should that Pledge prove himself/herself a peer to each Citizen, then the Citizens will reward him/her with our highest honor, Citizenship.

But that’s still some time away, so for now gather your kit, hone your skills, and have some fun.


Dear New Pledge,

If you’ve reached this point, then something about us has reached you. Pledges are an aspiring bunch as they seek knowledge and desire to actively grow this group. Your commitment to the whole is commendable, and as such you should be recognized. By now, I’m sure you’ve picked up a trinket or two, and possibly are even sporting a horse hair into battle.

Let’s be clear, you are no one’s squire. In Galatia, we promise you will never be beholden to one person; rather your fealty is to the group as a whole.

Mencius said: The root of empire is in the state; the root of the state is in the family; the root of the family is in the individual.

We need you to find your niche, what it is that you do that brings value to the whole. We expect you will discuss with the whole your vision, and over time hone your focus.

You are judged by what you do. If you are not sure what you should be doing, then act like a Citizen. Elevate those around you, help others, and be active. If you can help gear up a new fighter, do it. If you have a talent, teach it. If you can give of your time, money, and expertise, volunteer all you can afford. Do not wait to be told, do, do do.

Perhaps our next Citizen will be you?
Mor Grendel
If only I had an enemy bigger than my apathy.

Noli nothis permittere te terere.
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