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Mongo the Awkward Behemoth

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 6:36 pm
by MorGrendel
Mongo the Awkward Behemoth

Fricking Huge-Ass Shield
“Is a barn somewhere missing a door?”
This thing is huge. When it rains, Galatia huddles beneath it. If left on the ground, Air Force jets land on it. You can not even imagine how heavy it is . . . OK, imagine a carrying a Hemi engine around the battlefield. That’s a start.

+2 armor save. However, Mongo can choose to use the shield offensively and gain an attack. However, when wielded in this way, he also loses the armor save.

Duct Tape Armor
“Loki, go help your boy. God help them both.”
Mongo has nice armor. Unfortunately it was built for normal sized human beings, not Shrek. Since the armor does not fit, it must be duct taped on ever time Mongo fights. Sadly, he still gets dressed faster than most Galatians. All the tape glue has made Mongo arms impervious to blows.

4+ armor save
Any time Mongo takes a wound, he also lose 1 point of armor save as a piece of his armor is likely to have fallen off.
Mongo and Mor Grendel may not be if in the same unit if playing a Mor Grendel’s house due to ancestral differences (over duct tape on his lawn).

Forgot How to Fight
“So you said he won a tourney last week right?
Yup, Kevin was so embarrassed he rubbed dog poop everywhere, just to get out of here.”

Before the battle roll a d6. If the result is a 1, Mongo loses a point of WS. If it is a 6, Mongo gains a point of WS. If it is a Markland battle, you may re-roll the first result.

From Wisconsin
Mongo, did you kill another chair?”
He’s big.

Mongo has a Unit Strength equal to his wounds.
6+ ward save

Encumbering Sword of Clubbing
“Jesus Mongo! Is this a pipe wraped in duct tape?”
Mongo always gets his pick at weapon, because no one else can wield the monstrosities he calls weapons. They are not just heavy; they are like pull your arm out of the socket heavy.

+2 Strength
Always strikes last. (May use with a shield)

Bull Rush
“Then I rode his ass into battle and Mongo bowled over so many guys that I didn’t have anyone to kill right away. I think he ejected someone into Pirate Camp.”
Mongo is a big dumb beast of burden, and we would mount his heifer ass but he would take our head off on the first low branch that came along.

Mongo causes Fear on the charge. However, if he fails to wound he is assumed to have tripped over his own feet, and can not get back up until his side wins combat (As his side will be using him as a living wall).

Hippity-Hoppity Attack
“Han-Han-Hee, Watch this.”
Mongo can’t fight. What he does should not be even construed as combat. Instead, he leaps around his opponents in an awkward dance that stuns and stupefies his attacker(s).

The Hippity-Hoppity Attack is taken in place of Mongo’s regular attacks. It is a single attack that auto hits, but is only S 3.
Mongo can not use the Hippity-Hoppity Attack on the charge.
Any unit beaten and broken by Mongo in the turn he used the Hippity-Hoppity Attack gains Stupidity. If used in a challenge, the opponent must make a Ld test at a minus 2 that if failed reduces the opponent to just one attack as well.

Fear of Trees
“I said I bet you can’t duct tape me IN a tree.”

Mongo will not enter woods, forests or jungles for fear of being duct taped to/in a tree.

“Fritz, I really need your wood.”

At the end of a battle roll a d6. On a 6, the Galatians were unable to keep Mongo from saying something Aaaaawww-kward. Downgrade a victory one level (e.g. Major to Minor, Minor to Draw) or a defeat up one level as our peers can believe what they just heard. Either way the peers leave shaking their heads.

Re: Mongo the Awkward Behemoth

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 2:59 pm
by lilscutt
that was really done well morg, i like that alot

Re: Mongo the Awkward Behemoth

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 4:56 pm
by ahrimen
i just think you shouldnt give hi a stat line make him somthing in warhammer like everyone else..
Ahrimen is a wood elf war dancer (fething hippie)
Loki is a cross between a troll and a goblin shaman
Octavian is a night goblin ninja (they have thoes right?!!)
Mor grendel is a chaos lord
Hagaer is a ogre butcher
for some reason you have all decided Fritz is an empire warrior priest (tom gruhalla is more the part frits is hardly bald and manly)
Ahmed is a dark elf hero

mongo should either be a hornless minotaur or a chaos ogre

Re: Mongo the Awkward Behemoth

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 10:21 am
by MorGrendel
Yeah, I tryed, but I just could not come up with something big, that did not have a lot of attacks. I almost did pick a minotaur from the Chaos Dwarf List.

Re: Mongo the Awkward Behemoth

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 11:06 am
by Fritz
ahrimen wrote:tom gruhalla is more the part frits is hardly bald and manly
Fine, will punching you in the face the next time i see you change your mind?

Re: Mongo the Awkward Behemoth

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:20 pm
by Bash
Fine, will punching you in the face the next time i see you change your mind?
i will pay to see that

Re: Mongo the Awkward Behemoth

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 6:48 pm
by ahrimen
did you shave your head and put on like 50 lbs? twig boy :lol:

Re: Mongo the Awkward Behemoth

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 10:32 am
by hypo
I got a dollar! :mrgreen:

and as a side bet, I got $20 on Dan making Fritz make the high pitched squeal again. :mrgreen:

Re: Mongo the Awkward Behemoth

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 8:45 pm
by ahrimen
Fritz wrote:Fine, will punching you in the face the next time i see you change your mind?

i thought your elbow hurt? :shock: cant go to practice but you can knock me in the mellon? :P

but seriosly if your hurt dont fight :) just giving ya heck!

Re: Mongo the Awkward Behemoth

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 1:58 am
by Fritz
I still got a left arm =)

Re: Mongo the Awkward Behemoth

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 11:08 am
by MorGrendel
I thought that was another neck...