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Audacity: The Enterprise of Doing

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 11:16 am
by MorGrendel
Audacity: The Enterprise of Doing

Audacity is not arrogance. Audacity is boldness. Audacity is a willingness to attempt that which will be difficult. Audacity is the enterprise of doing.

When we started no one showed us how to be Galatians or how to fight or how to armor ourselves.
We begged, borrowed, and stole what we needed; like helots we earned our Citizenship thought sweat and blood. We cut our hands on pilfered Freon cans to make helmets, we used table tops for shields, and we kicked out the backs of mall chairs to make chest armor.

Moreover, our dissenters berated us, “Take that spear away from him, he’ll never be strong enough to use it.” Undeterred, we stuck our noses in anywhere fighters were swinging stick. We stalked better fighters until we learned not only how to use a spear or sword, but how to do it with the off-hand. We worked to learn secret of how to win.

Some say I’m too hard on the new guys. That I expect too much. To this, I disagree.

I would never ask a Pledge to beg or steal. Why should they? The table is already set for them. Anything they need, they but have to ask. I recognize the bar I set is high, I put it there. However, Audacity is an essential part of the spirit of Galatia, and if you are unwilling to work, if you refuse to do, if you quit because the road ahead might be hard, then you have no place by my side.

You are not a Galatian.

Re: Audacity: The Enterprise of Doing

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 11:18 pm
by boagrius
I like it.