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Fall Equinox at the River

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 1:11 pm
by Berserker
This is from Steeleye inviting the Galatians to the fall equinox at his place:
We're gathering the clans at Steeleye's River Estate to celebrate the Fall Equinox on Saturday, September 21.

This is an informal camping event, with a ceremony attached. The usual activities are planned: potluck food, swimming, sailing, drinking, gossiping and celebrating with friends and family. If you are reading this, you are invited. Please bring garb, chairs, swimsuits, camping gear, food and drink to share.

Panda and I would like to add in a garb and fabric swap, cause we've grown weary of our hoard and want to trade some of it for different stuff.

Contact Steeleye directly if you need special accommodations. There's no designated Drui (that I'm aware of) so if you want to lead the ceremony, just speak up, otherwise I'll be happy to step in.

38425 Bayview Dr
Coltons Pt Md 20626

rsvp my cell 301 247 5656
Can't wait to see many of you there.