Loki (Kevin)

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Loki (Kevin)

Post by Berserker »

Loki the Everyready Manhunter, Crosser of Bridges, Soiler of Couches, Wearer of Dresses, Buster of Teeth, Conqueror of Castles, Humper of Kings, Ignorer of Death, Wetter of Pants

Loki is the bastard son of a troll and a goblin shaman. *

Magic Items
Evercold Half-Empty Bottle of Jagermister

Loki has some goblin magic in him, however, being part troll makes him to errr.... stupid to remember how to use it. Thankfully in his magic sac, underneath the
annoying mushrooms, and glittery war paint, is something of real value, the Evercold Half-Empty Bottle of Jagermister. As magical as it is tasty; much like a vampires thirst for blood, is Loki's thrist for licorice.

Before every battle, Loki finishes the Evercold Half-Empty Bottle of Jagermister and puts it back into his sac. The contents turn him into a Savage Orc Big-un for the battle. And give him 6 traits below, because you never know what Loki you will get. (His name is Loki for crying out loud)

Shrinking Shield of ToothBashing
The Shrinking Shield of ToothBashing is not really magical, Loki is, but as things go with Loki, it he believes it true, then it is true. It is round(ish), black and white quartered, with a dented boss in the center (wonder how that happened). History recalls the shield being bigger, most likely Loki knawed the edges off, waiting for battle.

Regardless of whether or not Loki gets the Buster of Teeth trait, he still gets the Sheild of ToothBashing. This gives him and additional attack that counts as magical.


Everyready Manhunter
Loki's exploits are well known throughout the kingdom, and illegal in all 47 contiguous states. Most well known is his weakness for red-heads, which have left him in some compromising positions. Its believed that ... Wait .... That never happened.

Loki's ability to turn even an bad situation into a positive is undeniable, and those he can't, never happened. This makes Loki acutely aware of who is "behind" him, and he can not be charged from the "rear", "but" by redheads. (ewww)

Crosser of Bridges
Loki can cross bridges in the blink of an eye, and on an occasion actually avoids burning it. Even if the bridge is full of the enemy, Loki manages to always find the
open path through, arriving on the opposite side unharmed. (or at least he won't feel any blows until tomorrow)

Crossing bridges does not cost Loki any movement as he saves his energy just to cross them. Also if an enemy unit is holding the bridge, roll a d6 when Loki crosses. These are the number of troops knocked off the bridge who fall to thier death.

Soiler of Couches
Loki destroys furniture. Their is not a part of Loki's body that does not smell like coolant, cheesesteaks, and feet. And his feet smell like all of that, and mushrooms,
rot and death. His nurgle marks are coming along nicely. If that is not enough, he has also been known to use a sprinkler attack in his sleep.

Loki may not ride on anything, nor fire artillery, as the owners will not let him anywhere near it, and will use the patented, "Whoa, look over there" move on Loki just to get away. Loki may use a sprinkler attack on any inanimate object, but forfiets all of his regular attacks that turn as it takes two hands to hold up his mail. The sprinkler attack is the same as grapeshot.

Wearer of Dresses
Galatia was forced to finally make a rule because of Loki, Nobody prettier than Loki allowed. Seriously, he's just a shave away from being a tall dike. It is amazing what a pair of mutton chops can do for ya.

Loki is a beautiful man (coughqueercough), because of this he counts a female model. Also, no model on the board can be prettier than Loki's, except Mor Grendel the Unbelievablly Unlucky as he is an old married man and generally asexual anyway.

Buster of Teeth
Umm... too soon? Maybe after the wedding.

This gives Loki an addition attack to all prone and soon to be prone targets. All shield attacks are at a plus on strenght as the defender is trying to figure out why
they are on the ground. Loki can not join a unit with Nugget the Uncoordinated due to ancestreal differences.

Conqueror of Castles
Loki has conquered many things, and castles rate right in there after bed-wetting. (high pitched voice from the side) What! Really. Nevermind, it appears that conquoring castles is number one. Remind me never to borrow a cot. Anyway, take one redhead jersey girl, a castle and some moonlight, and consider this castle beat. Whew, minus the Jersey, this one is almost one to be proud of.

Loki gets a +1 to all his stats during sieges. (sung softly) Mem-mor-ries! Good Times, Good Times. Oh, he also suffers Stupidity in seiges, due to all the daydreaming.

Humper of Kings
Loki has beaten the best and lost to the worst. So bring your sabers, swords, and daggers, Loki cares not, he will back down to no challenge. Save your rules, win or lose, Loki is always prepared for Plan B.

Should loki lose a challenge, he can choose dry-hump the challenger to take away the challenger's combat resolution. If Loki does so, no one else can fight, as they are too busy watching the wrestling match. Loki and the challenger then have a hump-off (rock, paper, scissors) with the challengers combat resolution being reduced by one everytime Loki wins. When the Challenger beats Loki twice in a row, the Hump-Off is over. Loki can only use Plan B once per challenge as it loses its effect after the first time.

Wetter of Pants
Ummm... Crap, how did we get back here again. I'm not liking this trend, is it the Jager? Do they make Depends in Extra Large Orangatan size? I'm going to hold out that I don't know what this is about. (Insert Box)

Loki can not join units and causes fear (well it looks and smells like fear).

*Loki counts as a Savage Org Big-un, and take any equipment available to both savage orcs and Big-uns. However, assume any weapon he has to be borrowed, and must be returned after the battle.
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Re: Loki (Kevin)

Post by Titus »

So, I wanted to start redoing all of these and make them fair, playable characters in the current edition. Figured I would start here. The trick to Special characters, at least to me, is to pick a couple of things to make them special, and to not over do it. So with that, this is the first one.

Loki the Everyready Manhunter, Crosser of Bridges, Soiler of Couches, Wearer of Dresses, Buster of Teeth, Conqueror of Castles, Humper of Kings, Ignorer of Death, Wetter of Pants and ex-Hero of Galatia

M_WS_BS_ S_T_W_I_ A_Ld
Equipment - Heavy Armor, Shield and Hand Weapon

Magic Items -
Rock Star Plume - Loki sports a plume on his helmet that makes him look like a Rock Star of decades past. This gives him a 6+ ward save as others believe he is someone famous and gawk at him, just as he hits them in the head, knocking some sense back into him. This combines with his Parry save in close combat for a 5+ ward to the front during close combat.
Armor of Death - Unless Oola, Priestess of Freya, is on the field, Loki has not taken care of his armor and units will not let him within their ranks with out him first convincing them it is a good idea. If Loki wishes to join a unit, he must first pass a Ld test, otherwise he may not move for the turn while he and the unit squabble over letting him and his stench close.

Special Rules - Frenzy and the Title of Twenty Tales
Title of Twenty Tales
While Loki's title is long, not all of these relate to his actually skills on the battle field.
Crosser of Bridges
Loki loves him a good scrap on a nice bridge. Well, actually he hates them. He actually wants to just get across them and be able to fight on the other side. Some think he is really just afraid of getting wet and making his armor clean again.
When Loki charges a unit on the bridge, he actually charges straight through and appears on the other side, pushing enemy off the bridge as he goes. He causes D6 impact hits and place him in base contact with the unit on the other side of the side he charges, facing the unit. If this is not possible then he stays on the side he charged from. Obviously the unit was prepared for his charge and placed extra men in the way. Loki does this even if he charges with a unit. The unit just stays on the side they originally charged from.
Soiler of Couches
Loki has a history of dampening various furniture and belongings in one matter or another. As a result, no one will lend him anything. Loki is always on foot and may never ride a mount, chariot, or war machine and no one will lend him one.
Ex-Hero of Galatia
Loki was once a proud and victorious champion of Galatia. Gone are those days and Loki's will to prove his worth. Loki may refuse any challenge issued without having to drop to a rear rank, or taking any other repercussions.
~Titus, the Thawed

"Me and Abed have an agreement, if one of us dies we stage it to look like a suicide caused by the unjust cancellation of Firefly." ~Troy
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